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Part 2: IT and other practical tools

In our last article, we took a closer look at how industries around the world manage critical assets.

This compilation of common problems and good practices has been brought together by a special OECD project. It is designed to pool mutual knowledge to help industries overcome certain difficulties.

So today we’re going to take a look at the tools put together by the OECD for managing critical assets.

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Digital tools for critical asset management

Most companies have developed or purchased digital tools to facilitate the work of inspectors. They also want to facilitate the implementation of a more efficient way of carrying out inspections. And this in terms of strategy, costs, time, etc.
Even the simplest tools, such as common databases, have proved very useful to inspectors. They enable better coordination, overview and visualisation of inspections planned and carried out by different authorities.
What’s more, digitised documents considerably increase inspectors’ efficiency, accuracy and speed. When safety-related documents are processed in a standard form (hence the value of introducing a standardised, predefined form/protocol for inspection-related data), inspections can ensure that inspection strategies are reliably implemented.

Remote inspections of critical assets

Some countries reported using remote inspections to save time, travel and resources for minor inspection operations. Of course, such interventions are only possible if the site is well known. And if it has not undergone any modifications and is not subject to any threatening accidents. Nevertheless, connection and security problems have been reported and are giving cause for concern.

Critical asset checklists

In addition to point 1, checklists and forms have been developed to help inspectors carry out their tasks more efficiently:

  • evaluation of safety standards,
  • compliance with regulations,
  • etc.

These checklists provide a more structured approach to data collection, monitoring and assessment of whether or not a given production site is under control.

In the light of this evidence, gathered by the OECD from various industries around the world, the SIRFULL inspection software is a major tool. It works to implement a more effective, economical and rapid approach to managing critical assets. Our team is able to provide first-hand experience and expertise. In fact, we already have customers all over the world who use our system with great satisfaction and reliability.