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SIRFULL and CSR policy for Responsible Digital: integration in the LUCIE Community

In 2023, SIRFULL is committed to a Responsible Digital approach!

SIRFULL - LUCIE CSR communauty

The Institut du Numérique Responsable (INR) aims to be a place of reflection on :

  • reducing the economic, social and environmental footprint of digital technology
  • the ability of digital technology to reduce humanity’s footprint (economic, social and environmental)

INR is supported by the French Ministry of Ecological Transition and Solidarity, the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) and WWF (World Wildlife Fund).

“The Institut du Numérique Responsable (INR) aims to be a place of reflection”

On the way to certification:

SIRFULL is committed to this approach for ethical reasons, because we are aware that sustainable development is vital for our future. But also for regulatory reasons. Regulatory obligations are indeed at the heart of our software and good practices are required by SIRFULL stakeholders.

The company has appointed, for this purpose, a Project Manager, Sabine HEILIGENSTEIN, who becomes the referent of the CSR policy of SIRFULL. It has committed to this by the end of 2022 and intends to complete the process with the support of its management. The objective is to include all employees and partners of the company.

There are several steps to obtain the label.

  • Start with a MOOC
  • Certification
  • Access to the self-assessment platform and launch of the audit
  • Commitment to progress
  • Initial labelling
  • Follow-up of labelling
  • Obtaining the label will confirm the integrity of SIRFULL to our partners: financiers, customers, purchasing departments, public authorities, etc. and will give meaning to what we accomplish every day.

Stay tuned, we will keep you informed of the progress of our CSR policy!